
Comedy Club Munich 27.03.17

Podcast interview with ‘The Comedy Cast’

Check out my podcast interview with the excellent Spud Murphy from ‘The Comedy Cast’ where I talk about comedy in Germany and my new book:

Does size really matter to the Germans? [Video]

Check out this video to see if size matters to the Germans?

Find out more in Chapter 12 of my new book.



Does size matter to the Germans? [Pic]

Check out Chapter 12 of my new book to see if size matters to the Germans?


Teaching Irish Punctuality to the Germans [Video]

Check out this video to see how the Germans could learn punctuality from the Irish.

Find out more in Chapter 10 of my new book.



Are the Germans are really obsessed with sex? [Pic]

Check out Chapter 9 of my new book to see if the Germans are really obsessed with sex?


Are the Germans obsessed with sex? [Video]

Check out this video to see if the Germans are obsessed with sex?

Find out more in my new book.

Are the Germans always punctual? [Video]

Check out this video to see if the the Germans always so punctual?

Find out more in Chapter 8 in my new book


Are the Germans really so honest? [Pic]

Check out Chapter 8 of my new book  to see if the Germans are really so honest.

Are the Germans always honest? [Video]

Check out this video to see if the Germans always so honest.

Find out more in Chapter 8 of my new book!